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Coronavirus newsupdates:

Since June 2020, the travel-industry in Tanzania is slowly returning back to normal. For the past months there’s been a lockdown, which has been discarded. Since Mid-June, all Tanzanian borders have fully re-opened and airlines are once again open. 

Tanzania has now been deemed ‘safe to travel’ again,  as there’s fewer and fewer cases of the virus present. To be able to assure the health and safety of locals as well as tourists, measures have been taken to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Below you’ll find a list of IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOU as a tourist traveling to Tanzania. In this list you’ll find coronavirus-precautions taken by the local authorities to assure the safety of tourists. These precautions are relevant to the tourism industry. 

Local authorities will do mandatory medical check-up’s at border posts and airports. If there’s any sign of symptons fo the virus and/or sickness, the local authorities can put your in a 14-day mandatory quarantine. So don’t travel of you’re showing any possible symptons to assure a succesful trip and to assure the safety of others. 

The locals have been instructed and informed measures to avoid the spread of the virus and assure safety to their guests. Some of these measures are; washing hands, wearing masks, social distancing etc.

And we shall continue to do so until necessary to safeguard the health and safety of our clients and staff.

The whole tourism industry in Tanzania, under the Ministry of Natural Resources, has established SOP to guarantee the safety of our tourists.

Now we have taken our responsibility to ensure your safety, but you can take your own precautions as well! Check out our ‘how to travel during coronavirus’ list down below.





August: Coronavirus in Tanzania Update:

Since halfway June, Tanzania has opened its borders fully and tourists are allowed to enter again without going into quarantine. Specific corona-measures are taken by the government and individuals to prevent the spread of the virus. To enter Tanzania, a negative covid-19 result from your doctor is required.

Relevant info:

As of March 11, 2019, the novel coronavirus, also named COVID-19, has been officially declared a pandemic by WHO (World Health Organisation). The outbreak was earlier declared a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ on 30 January 2020. It’s the first time the WHO has called an outbreak a pandemic since the H1N1 “swine flu” in 2009.


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Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates & prevention - Tanzania

In this blog you’ll find some of the best tips & tricks to prevent yourself from catching corona, as well as government precautions. The provided information is collected from various trustworthy sources, among official studies and documentation.

We’ll go over the risk of getting the coronavirus in Tanzania, tips & tricks for traveling (which are useful for any kind of traveler), what to bring to be as safe as possible, what actions the Tanzanian government has taken among other helpful information.

Coronavirus: Is it safe to travel to Tanzania?

As for now, Tanzania is probably one of the safest countries to travel at this moment. You’re more likely to get infected in the US and/or Europe than by visiting Tanzania.

Despite this reality, Tanzania has made serious investments in the health sector and transforming its operations. So in case there would be another outbreak, Tanzania is prepared for it. 

In addition to that, Tanzania actually has good, western hospitals where you can get the right treatment and can recover in case of emergency. 

Risk of Coronavirus during a safari in Tanzania

Being on safari is probably one of the most safe ways of traveling at the moment. It’s just you and your partner/family/friends and the guide who’re traveling by car, alone. The only place where you’ll encounter people are at several camps on safari.

The camps we use on our private safari’s are good quality camps, with few rooms. No mass-hotels and/or resorts, where large groups of people gather. This makes going on safari one of the safest ways to travel with coronavirus at this moment. No big groups, less contact with other travelers and traveling in remote areas where few people are encountered. Just wildlife!

How to prepare - Traveling coronavirus Tanzania, Africa

A short guide on how to travel safely and minimize your chances of catching the virus

Coronavirus preparation - Before traveling

Check your health

If you’re healthy, you have not much to fear as the virus currently poses no real threat to you. About 97% of the cases recover just fine. Most serious cases of corona consisted of people who are 65 years and older and/or have underlying health conditions.

A simple health check at your doctor before traveling can do wonders. Especially if you’re unsure if you are at a higher risk for severe illness if you would get infected. Visiting your doctor once in a while for a regular check-up doesn’t hurt anyways.

So check your health before traveling! Not only it helps to establish your personal risk, but gives you insight on your current health.

Get the right vaccines for the country you're traveling to

Certain holiday-destinations require vaccinations or medicines for diseases including malaria and typhoid, but even a flu shot can help your body defend itself. Tanzania already has quite the vaccination-list, so it’s best to go over this with your doctor and come prepared. Being properly vaccinated will help prevent catching an infectious disease that would weaken an immune system and potentially lead to the contraction of additional diseases, like the coronavirus.

Buy the nessecary precautions

There are many things you can do yourself to reduce the risk of catching a infective virus, not just corona, but any virus for that matter. Down below we’ll go over a short ‘what to pack’ list. 

Get the right ensurance; Travel / Cancellation ensurance

As for now, Tanzania is virus-free. However, being prepared NEVER hurts. Check with your travel-ensurance what is covered and what not. Ask them for the procedures in case of emergency and cancellation. This is something you should consider anyways before traveling, so this is just a useful heads-up.

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Mask useage
  • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.
  • Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
  • Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
  • To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

What to pack

Coronavirus travel preparation
  • Hand-sanitiser – Using a good desinfective and washing your hands with soap and water (for at least 30 seconds) is still the best way to prevent transmission of the virus. Clean your hands before and after entering ‘high-contact areas’ and before touching your face, which brings us to our next point. Tip: Don’t forget to buy travel-size containers that meet the TSA’s liquid requirement.
  • Don’t touch your face! – Your hands are the most bacteria-infested parts of your body. They touch hundreds of different objects everyday. Keeping them clean and away from areas susceptable for infection (like your eyes and face) is, together with hand-sanitiser the best virus-prevention method.  
  • Facemasks – Now there are heated discussions on if they work or not. The short answer is ‘no’ a normal surgical-mask doesn’t prevent you from catching a virus. For a mask to be effective they should be completely sealed, preventing you from breathing in trough the sides, which most masks simply don’t. However, they can be a friendly reminder not to touch your face, before using hand-sanitizer. So in a way they can be helpful. There are a few masks that are effective, like the N95 respirator. This mask is said to be the best mask to use for protection against pathogens. Still, these masks have to be used the right way to be effective. Check out the video on the left on ‘mask-useage’ from the world health organisation. 
  • Drink lots of water – Drinking water keeps your throat moist. Take small sips every 10-15 minutes and try to stay away from alcoholic and/or caffeinated drinks during the flights. Basically anything that lowers your immumesystem or dries you out. “Dehydration can contribute to a weak immune system”.
  • Desinfective wipes – There’s no need to wipe every surface before touching, as that’s absolutely useless. However if you’re traveling, you might feel more comfortable cleaning the surfaces of which you’ll be in contact a lot, like your armrest and tray-table during a flight. What is easily overseen is the sanitizing of frequenly used objects, where bacteria cluster, like a phone or laptop. Washing your hands is one thing, but if you immediately reach out for your phone again, you can easily infest your hands with bacteria again if the surface is never cleaned.
  • Eat your vitamins Make sure to keep up with the recommended daily dosis of vitamins. If you consume a diet filled with adequate protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, there’s no need for extra supplements. If you have any shortages. Add to your diet or take supplements wherever there’s a vitamin shortage. Staying healthy results in a more resiliant immune system and make you less susceptable for catching a virus of any kind.

Remember: Do NOT stockpile on supplies. Only buy what you absolutely need. Stockpiling on supplies might lead to a shortage when the supplies are really needed. This might be one of the greatest dangers at this moment. 

How to minimize the chances of coronavirus transmission while traveling

Choice of seats during flights

  • The first and most obvious precaution is to stay away from other travelers and choose an empty row. However, we’re aware that this is not always possible.
  • The window seat – on most airliners is often the farthest from the aisle, which can give flyers a modicum of protection from the germ highway that extends the length of the aircraft.
  • Try to stay away from people who are coughing or exhibiting any other signs of a respiratory illness. You should do that anyways, you don’t want to get sick on your holiday in Tanzania. Not even with a regular flu.

Avoid high-contact areas

With high-contact areas we mean areas that a lot of people touch and/or use. In airplanes the lavatories rank among the highest of ‘touches’. Apart from those it’s best to avoid doorknobs & storage cabins to the flush buttons being touched by multiple passengers on a given flight, the potential for coming into contact with harmful pathogens is higher.

Should using the lavatory be an absolute necessity, wash your hands with soap and water before exiting, and use hand sanitizer when you get back to your seat. Try not to touch your face in between.

In addition to that:  ‘Cut your nails’, the space below the nails is a perfect space for bacteria to cluster. 

Be on time to avoid the queues 

Simply try to avoid standing in big crowds of people. When standing in line, try to keep a bit of distance. For the novel coronavirus, close contact is considered six feet. Refrain from touching other people (why would you anyways). If possible, try to stand in front of a queue or in the back. Crowds can usually be avoided by showing up early at the airport.

Don’t Stress

It might all sound like a scary list, but you probably have nothing to worry about, especially if you came prepared for your trip. So there’s no need to stress, just relax. Not stressing actually HELPS you from getting ilnesses. The stress of travel can increase the chances of getting an illness. There’s only so much you can do to externally protect yourself from illness, one of the most important aspects of protection is internally in your own head.


If you see someone coughing or showing signs of illness, provide them with a mask if they don’t have any. Chances that they have coronavirus are very low, as coughing could mean anything. However, as mentioned before, any illness that could lower the immune-system (like a regular flu) could make a person more susceptible for other virusus. Wearing a regular surgical-mask might not help germs from entering, but it actually does help spreading germs if it’s worn by a sick person. So by providing a mask to someone coughing, you are helping more than by wearing one of those yourself. 

Now these are several measures you can take, but there’s absolutely no need to worry if you can’t take any of these measures. The most important thing is to wash your hands and avoid touching your face, which can be done in ANY situation. 



Stay up to date on the latest developments regarding to coronavirus (covid-19) & tanzania

What action has the government taken in regards to corona

It’s in the Tanzanian news, all major airports, border crossings and ports have thermal scanners ready and med staff are looking out for coughs, fever and breathing difficulty,

Using hand-sanitiser is an obligated proceedure before entering the airport. A dispenser will be available just outside. (this is at least one of the measures at Killimanjaro International Airport, but we assume this goes for other airports as well).

All together about 140 thermal Scanners and about 2300 trained med Staff, and one of the hospitals will be the out of town in Kigamboni in Dar es Salaam.

On the right you’ll find of video of the newsreport about the procedures the government has taken to present the virus from spreading to Tanzania.

Tanzania, Tanzanian president does the 'foot-shake' or 'wuhan shake'

The new trend: The footshake or Wuhan Shake

Shaking hands causes germs to spread, so it’s best to avoid touching hands! So how to be polite these days? Here’s the solution! The foot-shake, or these days called; the wuhan shake. Even the Tanzanian president, John Magufuli was getting involved in this trend by doing a ‘wuhan shake’ with a colleague, and sets a great example. See picture on the left.


Also: check out this funny video that's going viral of people doing the foot-shake or wuhan shake.